Climate Solutions Partnership

Sustainability News & Insights

Three Minutes
Apr 30, 2024

MetLife partners with MPOWERD and IOM on climate solutions

As climate change continues to impact communities around the world, MetLife seeks to drive solutions that help individuals and communities adapt and enhance resilience to build a more confident future.

The International Organization for Migration, IOM – UN Migration, helps people and communities strengthen local infrastructure, prepare for medical emergencies, and train volunteers in climate disaster preparedness and risk management. Enhancing sustainable management of natural resources while addressing climate change hazards and impacts in areas vulnerable to cyclones, floods, landslides, and other natural hazards – which can cause loss of life and damage to vital infrastructure – is a core component of IOM’s work. Sources of clean, sustainable power, such as solar-powered lamps, are considered essential to enhancing preparedness and resilience.

MetLife is partnering with MPOWERD and IOM to provide inflatable, solar-powered lights to climate preparedness programs in vulnerable communities.

Solar-powered climate solution

With our purpose at our core — Always with you, building a more confident future — sustainability at MetLife means sustaining people’s lives, building a more equitable and inclusive workforce and society, and creating a more resilient environment for all. As part of our longstanding commitment to environmental stewardship and approach to Net Zero, MetLife partnered with MPOWERD and IOM to provide inflatable solar-powered lights (some with mobile charging) to areas severely impacted by climate disasters as a “climate solution” to improve community preparedness, response and resilience.

With a mission to transform lives with thoughtfully designed, clean technology, MPOWERD created the first inflatable solar light with the goal of making an affordable, renewable energy product that people could use in any situation. MPOWERD partners with the private sector to disseminate solar-powered lights as an alternative solution to fuel-based and plug-based lighting and for those with no lighting at all. Access to clean energy can improve health and safety, create education equality, and enhance economic empowerment, all while managing climate change.

Over 1,000 Luci Lights (combination of mobile charging + emergency) were donated to IOM climate risk management programs in 2023.

Building a more confident future

In partnership with our colleagues, customers and business partners, MetLife aims to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, implement more sustainable ways of working and manage the impacts of climate change throughout the world. We invite you to learn more about our work and that of our partners and join us in building a more confident future for all.

  • Read about MetLife’s climate commitments and history of environmental stewardship.
  • Explore the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ‘ActNow’ campaign website to see how you can accelerate action for a healthier planet.