Your Benefits
The State offers two dental benefits plans through SafeGuard. Check with your Human Resource contact to verify which plan(s) is available to you.
With these plans you have no copayments for cleanings, x-rays, or exams, no deductibles, and no claims to file. Check out the plans below:
State of California Standard Dental Plan (SOC Standard)
State of California Enhanced Dental Plan (SOC Enhanced)
To access a video that will help you better understand your benefits, click here: State of California - DHMO Insurance
Summary of Dental Benefits and Coverage Disclosure Matrix (SOC Standard)
Summary of Dental Benefits and Coverage Disclosure Matrix (SOC Enhanced)
Summary of Dental Benefits and Coverage Disclosure Matrix (SOC Enhanced – Retirees)
If you are an active employee and have questions, you can contact your Personnel/Human Resources Office or contact SafeGuard at 1-800-880-1800.
If you are a retiree and have questions about your enrollment or eligibility, you can contact:
CalPERS Customer Service Center
1-888-CALPERS (1-888-225-7377)
To view a list of the general dentists available in your area, you will need to know the plan you have selected (plan names are above). When you access the directory, you'll see a drop-down menu that lists different plan names. Find yours, click on it, and follow the instructions from there.