MetLife Retirement & Income Solutions
MetLife's November 2020 Letter to the U.S. Department of Labor in Response to Interim Final Rule (IFR) for Lifetime Income Illustrations on Pension Benefit Statements
Dear Sir or Madam:
MetLife is pleased to submit comments in response to the Department of Labor’s Interim Final Rule (IFR) for Lifetime Income Illustrations on Pension Benefit Statements. MetLife commends the Department for the thoughtful approach it has taken on the IFR, and for the way in which it has considered the many comments it received in the 2013 Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Lifetime Income Disclosures (ANPRM). As the leading provider of institutional income annuities,
MetLife advocated for lifetime income disclosures for more than a dozen years leading up to the passage of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act in December 2019, and our company also provided comments to the Department in our response to the ANPRM, so we were very pleased to see the IFR.
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