Plan Resources

MetLife Resources* brings you a level of personal support and connection backed by MetLife's expertise delivering flexible retirement solutions to plan participants. 


MyPlans – your plan, simplified.

Our enhanced plan sponsor website is designed to provide you with the tools and insights to help you monitor and improve your plan’s health, as well as simplify plan administration. Visit

Let us help you reach your plan specific goals.

See how we can help you drive enrollments in your plan with our enrollment communication service.

Need help determining your record keeping platform?

Some of the information presented on this site is specific to your plan's record keeping platform. If you need help determining which platform your plan uses please view our Frequently Asked Questions section for help.

Have your contact details changed?

If your contact information has changed, don't forget to let us know. Please complete the appropriate Contact Change form based on your Plan Number.

MyPlans: For plans with 7 digits only (i.e., 1234567), please click here.

Plan Service Center: for plans with 7 digits followed by an extension (i.e., 1234567-01), please click here.