Participant Materials

Help participants make informed financial choices 

Make use of this participant marketing content designed to educate and prepare employees on a broad range of retirement concepts. It’s important to return to the site to obtain the most up-to-date material.

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10 Reasons to Contribute Flyer Self-Print MLR19000548001-7
403b Roth Brochure Slim Jim Order MLR19000329005-15
A Retirement Savings Opportunity - Roth 457b Self-Print MLR448556-12
A Retirement Savings Opportunity - Roth 403b Self-Print MLR19000448556-403Roth-12
A Retirement Savings Opportunity - Roth 401k Self-Print MLR19000448556-401k-8
Beneficiary Designation Flyer Self-Print MLR398150-2
Employee Buckslip Self-Print MLR19000120024T-5
Focus on your Future Table Tent Order MLR19000525180-6
Focus on your Future Flyer Self-Print MLR19000542055-D-3
Guide to a Tax-Exempt 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan Self-Print MLR19000329057-15
Hypothetical Contribution Charts N/A MLR19000548019-6
Increase Enrollments Email to Plan Sponsors N/A MLR02192021-2
IRS Annual Contribution Limits Flyer N/A MLR19000340056-10
Long-Term Part-Time Overview Flyer N/A MLR01082024-1
MAC Calculations Slipsheet N/A MLR19000525181-2
Participant Advisory Services Flyer Self-Print MLR05022019-3
Participant Fee Disclosures ERISA Self-Print MLR19000340164-3
Prepare for Your Meeting with a Financial Professional Self-Print MLR01132025
Retirement Education Microsite N/A MLR74708-17
Retirement Education Presentation Self-Print MLR2092018V-8
Retirement Education Presentation for Plan Sponsors to Participants Self-Print MLR2092018P-8
Retirement Education Microsite Buckslip Self-Print MLR073017-2
Retirement Education Microsite Buckslip #2 Self-Print MLR073017-2
Retirement Education Microsite Banner #1 N/A MLR073117-3-1
Retirement Education Microsite Banner #2 N/A MLR073117-3-2
Retirement Education Microsite Banner #3 N/A MLR073117-3-3
Retirement Education Microsite Banner #4 N/A MLR073117-3-4
Risk Tolerance Questionnaire Flyer Order MLR09272022-1
Risk Tolerance Questionnaire Form Self-Print MLR09272022-1
Secure Act Flyer Self-Print MLR12202019-2
Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 Brochure Self-Print MLR11012023-3
Take it to the Limit 403(b) and 457(b) flyer Self-Print MLR19000525136-15
Understanding Your Retirement Plan Choices Flyer Self-Print MLR19000525047HE-7
What is a 401(a) and a 401(k)? Self-Print MLR200515-8
What is a 403(b)? Self-Print MLR200514-8
What is a 457(b)? Self-Print MLR200513-6
Why MetLife Flyer Self-Print MLR01012020-3
Your Guide to a 403(b) Program Flyer Self-Print MLR19000329053-16
Your Guide to a Governmental 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan Slim Jim Order MLR19000715-14
Your Guide to Governmental 457(b) DCP Brochure Order MLR19000329051-16

ExpertSelect Plans - Roth and Non-Roth Self-Print MLR19000329040-10
MFSP Plan Sponsor Custom Flyer Example Order MLR03082019-6
MFSP Facts at a Glance Flyer Self-Print MLR19000081618-3
MFSP Enrollment Kit Order Form Self-Print MLR8115014
MFSP Enrollment Kit Order Guide Self-Print MLR200516-2

10 Reasons to Contribute Spanish Flyer Self-Print MLR19000548001-ES-1
Beneficiary Designation Spanish Flyer Self-Print MLR398150-ES-1
EnrollNow Why MetLife Spanish Flyer Self-Print MLR01012020-ES-1