Access Your Account
Access Your Mutual Fund Select Portfolios Account
To help monitor and manage your account, you can obtain information and make transactions virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.* You may access your account in the following ways:
Website: To access your account online, please go to
You will need to enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD when prompted.
- Get an overview of your account and statements
- View educational content and retirement planning tools
- Check out your funding options and investment performance
- Rebalance, make transfers or change the allocation of future contributions
- Name or update your beneficiary information
- Opt-in to receive paperless, electronic statement delivery
Mobile App: Conveniently access your retirement account on-the-go with any mobile device and have the same capabilities and resources as you would if you were using your desktop computer. Just download the MetLife Retirement app from your favorite app store and log on using the same username and password you use for the website at
Voice Response System: 800-543-2520
To access your account, you will need to enter your Social Security Number and PIN when prompted.
- Make transfers
- Review account information
- Initiate select transactions
Participant Service Center representatives are also available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. or Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) to assist you with questions about general account information, updates and transactions such as balances, funding options, beneficiary changes, and status of requests.