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Teacher Retirement System of Texas Retiree, choose the coverage that fits your needs.

Learn more about your benefit options so you can feel more confident in your decisions for you and your family.

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Dental and vision benefits are available to retirees and their eligible dependents.

You don’t need to be enrolled in a TRS-Care medical and pharmacy plan to enroll in these new Dental and Vision plans underwritten by MetLife — you just need to be eligible to enroll in a TRS-Care medical and pharmacy plan. Retired Texas public school employees who are eligible for TRS-Care medical and pharmacy coverage can enroll in the new optional Dental and Vision plans.

Subscribe to The Pulse to get notices on the next enrollment period.

These new plans will help you see and smile with confidence as you explore new adventures.

Texas Higher Education Employees: If you’re retiring from a Texas higher education system and qualify for a TRS retirement pension, your retirement health benefits could come from Employee Retirement System of Texas, University of Texas, or Texas A&M University. Check with your employer to see if you’re eligible for their retirement health benefits. If not, you can enroll in TRS-Care. Contact TRS for more information.

How it works

Protecting your dental and vision health is one key to enhance retirement confidence. Knowing you're better protected from unexpected vision and dental expenses can increase your financial confidence. This is why TRS made dental and vision benefits available to you through MetLife. Choosing these benefits can help protect what matters most.

Explore these benefit options, below: