

Why is having Disability insurance important?

If you are unable to work due to illness or injury, disability insurance can help pay your most important expenses. These include mortgage or rent, car payments, food, child care/tuition and utilities.

  • Short-Term Disability Insurance replaces a portion of your income during a disability which could last up to 26 weeks.

While many people think that disabilities are typically caused by accidents, the majority of long-term absences are actually due to illness.* A good rule of thumb is to protect 60-80% of your after-tax income. This will help you meet your most important financial needs.

The plan offers:

  • Direct payments: receive a portion of your salary paid directly to you if you are unable to work after satisfying the initial Elimination Period. (Short-Term Disability benefits pay weekly)
  • Easy claims filing: Report claims online or by phone
  • Competitive rates: This group coverage is offered only through your employer
  Option A Option B
Eligibility All employees working not less than 30 hours/week; seasonal employees hired prior to July 1, 2015 with 24 months of service and certified by their appointing authority to work at least 1,450 hours per fiscal year (July-June); or deemed eligible by applicable federal law, state law, or action of the State Insurance Committee.
% of Gross Annual Base Salary¹ Paid Weekly 60% of salary paid weekly
Maximum Weekly Benefit Up to $2,500
Minimum Weekly Benefit² $25
Elimination Period 14 calendar days 30 calendar days
Duration of Benefit 26 weeks
Evidence of Insurability (EOI)³ Guaranteed Issue (no health questions asked) for New Hires who enroll within 30 days of eligibility date. Evidence Of Insurability will be required for Late Enrollees and current participants who choose a higher plan of benefits with a Special Qualifying Event or during a future Annual Enrollment period.
Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion None

* Council for Disability Awareness, 2014 Long-Term Disability Claims Review,

1 For 2024 Annual Enrollment period, annual salary will be based on your salary as of Sept. 1, 2023. Coverage will be effective Jan. 1, 2024.

2 The Minimum Monthly Benefit will not apply if you are receiving 100% of Your Predisability Salary under the Policyholder’s paid leave policy, which includes annual, sick and comp time

3 Pre-existing Condition means a Sickness or accidental injury for which you: 1) received medical treatment, consultation, care or services; or took prescribed medication or had medications prescribed; in the 3 months before Your insurance under the certificate takes effect.

4 For 2024 Annual Enrollment period, annual salary will be based on your salary as of Sept. 1, 2023.

5. The amount of Long-Term Disability benefit may not exceed the Maximum Monthly Benefit established under the plan of $7,500 for Options 1 or 2, or $10,000 for Options 3 or 4, regardless of your annual salary amount. Therefore, if you select Option 1 or 2, the maximum covered monthly salary eligible for benefit is $12,500, or $150,000 annually. If you select Option 3 or 4, the maximum covered monthly salary eligible for benefit is $15,873.02, or $190,476.24 annually.