Employee Assistance Program

Your Employee Assistance Program provides confidential support and services.

As a Southeastern Freight Lines associate, you can access your Employee Assistance Program at any time, 24/7/365, and speak with a professional, experienced counselor for help with:

  • Balancing work and life
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Losing a loved one
  • Legal issues
  • Family, marital, and relationship challenges
  • And much more

When an associate contacts the program for services (including legal support), part of the intake process is to create a customer record – which does include collection of some personal information. Following is an overview of the intake process:

  • Introduction – A recorded confidentiality statement, then connection to a care representative;
  • Greeting – “Thank you for calling, my name is… Are you seeking counseling or other services today?”
  • Record Creation – You will be asked to provide information including name, date of birth, contact information, and a security question (this is used to verify your identify if you call back). You will be also asked for your mother’s maiden name as a standard security question. If you are not comfortable providing this information, there are other options (e.g., favorite sports team, place of birth, street you grew up on, etc.);
  • Assessment of Urgency and Risk of Harm to Self or Others – Risk assessment protocol (harm to self or others question) is implemented from the first point of contact at our care access centers to ensure that individuals whose needs are critical receive the appropriate level of care at the earliest point;
  • Confirm presenting issue/need;
  • Service recommendation/review of next steps;
  • Explanation of the program, as needed.

When you need some support, we’re here to help.

Phone: 1-888-319-7819

Web: one.telushealth.com, username: metlifeeap, and password: eap

Mobile App: username: metlifeeap and password: eap

Some restrictions may apply to all of these services. EAP services provided through an agreement with TELUS Health. TELUS Health is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MetLife. Information disclosed directly to TELUS Health LifeWorks is not disclosed to MetLife, and therefore is not subject to MetLife’s privacy policy.