Take a Qualifying Leave of Absence

Take a Qualifying Leave of Absence

An unexpected life event or medical condition (either your own or a loved one’s) can impact your ability to work, pay bills, and provide for those who depend on you. No matter what life has in store, you need to be able to care for your loved ones—and look after your own health. As a valued San Bernardino County Employee, you have access to leave plans for various circumstances.

Where applicable, each benefit runs at the same time. Learn about your options below to better understand how these valuable benefits coordinate.

Short Term Disability (STD) Insurance

Help replace a portion of your income if you cannot work1

If you lost your ability to earn income, how would you pay for your bills and provide for your family? In the event of a disability, you need coverage that's quickly accessible and payments that help you to cover everyday expenses.

  • May help replace a portion of your income when you are unable to work due to sickness, pregnancy, chronic condition or accidental injury.
  • Benefit payments are made directly to you and you decide how to spend the money.
  • Helps you meet your day-to-day financial obligations so your long-term goals can stay on track.

Did you know disability insurance and workers’ compensation are not the same thing? Workers’ compensation only applies if you are hurt at work. Disability insurance covers you when you’re unable to work because of illness or injury — If employee is injured at work, employee can only receive Workers’ compensation benefits. Disability insurance should be for non-work-related injury only.

Family Medical Leave (FMLA)

Whether it’s spending time with a loved one during end-of-life care or bonding with a newborn child throughout the day, you need to be there for your family. But how will you ensure you get adequate time off.

Take care of personal and family matters with added flexibility and time off.

FMLA allows you to take the unpaid time off you need—and know your job will be there when you get back. County’s employees who meet the eligibility may take up to 12 weeks of cumulative leave, or up to 26 weeks for active duty service member leave.

Under FMLA, your benefits include:

  • Taking your protected leave from the moment it’s approved.
  • Using flexible time off (subject to any applicable certification) —whether it’s 15 minutes, 2 weeks, or your full leave period all at once.
  • Maintaining job security throughout the duration of your leave.

FMLA may run concurrently with California Family Right Act (CFRA), Pregnancy Disability Leave, and short- and long-term disability insurance, where applicable.

Eligibility: All employees who have worked for San Bernardino County for a minimum of 1 year and 1250 hours in the year preceding leave.

Qualified Reasons for Leave: Leaves to care for your own serious health condition, a family member’s serious health condition, a leave to care and bond with your newborn or adopted child, or a leave to care for a military servicemember or their service-related illness may be covered under Family Medical Leave.


  • FMLA is an unpaid leave that only provides job protection.
  • You may coordinate paid time with your supervisor and/or department payroll specialist.

Waiting Period: No waiting period as long as you meet the eligibility requirements as listed above

Maximum Benefit Duration:

  • A total of 12 weeks for all combined leave
  • Baby bonding leaves must be taken continuously
  • Servicemember caregiver leave may extend up to 26 weeks

Coordination with other leaves: FMLA runs concurrently with all qualified leave types.

California Family Rights Act (CFRA)

Similar to FMLA, California Family Rights Act (CFRA) provides you with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to care for your own serious health condition or a family member/designated person with a serious health condition, to bond with a new child, or other eligible reasons. 

Eligibility: All employees who have worked for San Bernardino County for a minimum of 1 year and 1250 hours in the year preceding leave.

Qualified Reasons for Leave: Leaves to care for your own serious health condition, a family member’s serious health condition, a leave to care and bond with your newborn or adopted child, or a leave to care for a military servicemember or their service-related illness may be covered under Family Medical Leave.


  • CFRA is an unpaid leave that only provides job protection.
  • You may coordinate paid time with your supervisor and/or department payroll specialist.

Waiting Period:

  • No waiting period as long as you meet the eligibility requirements as listed above
  • Bonding leaves may be taken intermittently in 2-week increments. However, you may be granted CFRA baby bonding leave of less than 2 weeks’ duration on 2 occasions.

Maximum Benefit Duration:

  • Employees may take leave of up to 12 work weeks in a 12-month period. Part-time employees may take leave on a proportional basis. The leave does not need to be taken in one continuous period of time.
  • Bonding leaves may be taken intermittently in 2-week increments. However, You may be granted CFRA baby bonding leave of less than 2 weeks’ duration on 2 occasions.

Coordination with other leaves: CFRA can run concurrently with all qualified leave types.

California Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL)

In California, the Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) is a state law that provides eligible employees with unpaid, job-protected leave for disabilities related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions for up to four months.

Eligibility: No Service hour requirements for San Bernardino County employees - Other than having a qualifying pregnancy-related disability, there are no tenure, hours, or other eligibility requirements, and full-time and part-time employees are treated the same.

Qualified Reasons for Leave: An employee disabled by pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition is entitled to up to four months of disability leave per pregnancy.


  • PDL is an unpaid leave that only provides job protection.

Waiting Period:

  • No waiting period 

Maximum Benefit Duration:

  • Leave can be taken before and after birth during any period of time the employee is physically unable to work because of pregnancy or a pregnancy-related condition. All leave taken in connection with a specific pregnancy counts toward computing the four-month period.
  • PDL is available when an employee is actually disabled. This includes time off needed for prenatal or postnatal care, severe morning sickness, doctor-ordered bed rest, childbirth, recovery from childbirth, loss or end of pregnancy, or any other related medical condition.

Coordination with other leaves: PDL runs concurrently with any FMLA, and it is possible to extend beyond the exhaustion of FMLA.

* Note: If you are classified as a monthly paid staff member, you must file a claim with MetLife to approve and track the leave.  Monthly paid employees will receive salary continuation paid by the County of San Bernardino County.

1 Like most disability income insurance policies, MetLife’s policies contain certain exclusions, exceptions, waiting periods, reductions, limitations and terms for keeping them in force. Ask your MetLife representative  for complete details.