OTL Frequently Asked Questions


Note: These are general Q&As, including how much life insurance is IBM-provided under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan so that you can consider how much additional life insurance coverage may be appropriate for you.

Details You Should Review

Regular full-time and part-time employees working at least 20 hours a week with no set end date of employment, as well as long-term supplemental employees and retiree supplemental employees, of IBM or certain wholly-owned IBM subsidiaries are eligible to enroll in OTL coverages under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan.

You can enroll for, increase, or decrease your coverage outside of IBM Annual Enrollment periods or qualified status changes, by contacting the IBM Benefits Center – Provided by Fidelity. However, a medical review will be required to enroll for term life insurance for you or your spouse/domestic partner outside of an IBM Annual Enrollment period or as a result of experiencing certain qualified status changes. Increases to AD&D insurance or child coverage do not require a medical review.

OTL insurance complements the basic IBM provided life insurance coverage under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan, referred to as Group Life Insurance (GLI). OTL insurance provides payment of a death benefit in an amount and to the beneficiaries you select. It renews automatically each year – unless you request to discontinue your coverage, or if you are no longer eligible (for example due to termination of employment with IBM). Once you are no longer eligible for insurance, you can continue your coverage through an individual policy directly with MetLife (that is, not under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan) by exercising the Portability7or Conversion options, or allow your term life insurance to terminate. For more information on Portability and Conversion, please refer to the Post-Employment page.

Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, available under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan, complements OTL insurance with coverage for severe accidents or loss of life. AD&D insurance pays benefits if you suffer a covered accident that results in paralysis or the loss of a limb, speech, hearing or sight, or if you suffer a covered fatal accident. It renews automatically each year unless you discontinue your coverage, of if you are no longer eligible for such insurance. Once you are no longer eligible for AD&D insurance, you can continue AD&D insurance by exercising the Portabilityoption or allow your AD&D insurance to terminate. For more information on Portability, please refer to the Post-Employment page.

The following coverages for yourself: OTL and (AD&D) insurance. These coverages are based upon a multiple of your annual base pay, rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (if applicable), up to certain limits.

Please see the Q&A below for coverage options available to your dependents.

Only IBM Long-term Supplemental and IBM Retiree Supplemental employees are eligible to enroll in the OTL insurance coverages under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan. All other non-regular IBM employees are not eligible for coverages under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan.

Generally no, except for IBM Long-term Supplemental and IBM Retiree Supplemental employees, and any IBM regular employee with a waiting period for IBM-provided GLI.

Generally, if you change from an IBM regular employee to an IBM non-regular employee, your OTL insurance coverages will end and you will become eligible for Conversion and/or Portabilitydirectly from MetLife. See the Post-Employment page for more information on these options. If you become an IBM Long-term Supplemental or IBM Retiree Supplemental employee, your OTL insurance coverages under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan do not end.

Your total available coverage is as follows.

Coverage Options Half your annual base pay, rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (if applicable),
1 to 10 times your annual base pay, rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (if applicable), in increments of 1 times your annual base pay.
Benefit Amount(s) Allowed with one question concerning hospitalization Half or 1 times your annual base pay, rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (if applicable), up to $750,000.
Maximum Benefit Amount for OTL or AD&D insurance – amounts over those stated in the row above require medical review Lesser of 10 times your annual base pay, rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (if applicable), or $4,000,000.


Note: If you are currently on an approved Leave of Absence or receiving benefits under the IBM Long-term Disability Plan, the amount of insurance available to you may vary from the chart above. Leave of Absence includes Career Transition LOA and Flexible Work LOA.

For additional information on OTL insurance coverages, view the plan summary.

If you have questions on your eligibility, please call the IBM Benefits Center – Provided by Fidelity at 1-866-937-0720.

OTL and AD&D insurance coverage options are available for your dependents. These coverages are based upon increments of flat amounts.

A child can be covered only up until age 26. A child includes your natural children, stepchildren, adopted children, and any child who resides with and is fully supported by you. Children who are disabled and were enrolled in OTL coverage under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan prior to attaining age 26 are eligible to retain coverage after they attain age 26. Disabled means incapable of self-sustaining employment because of mental or physical handicap.

Insurance for a disabled child may be continued past the age limit if the child is incapable of self-sustaining employment because of a mental or physical handicap, as defined by applicable law, and can be continued as long as the child:

  • Remains incapable of self-sustaining employment because of a mental or physical handicap; and
  • Continues to qualify as a Child, except for the age limit.

The Application for Coverage of Disabled Dependent Child Under IBM Health Benefit Plans form must be completed and sent to the IBM Benefits Center – Provided by Fidelity 60 days before the date the child attains age 26. It is your responsibility to notify the IBM Benefits Center – Provided by Fidelity of any changes to the child’s eligibility for coverage.

The coverage available to your dependents is as follows:

Dependent Spouse/Domestic Partner
Spouse/Domestic Partner Coverage Options $10,000 – $250,000 in $10,000 increments for OTL insurance.
$10,000 – $500,000 in $10,000 increments for AD&D insurance.
Medical Review Requirements

Within 60 days of your date of hire, you can enroll your spouse/domestic partner in life insurance up to $50,000 without a medical review.

In any other instance, any coverage amount for Spouse/Domestic Partner life insurance requires a medical review.
AD&D insurance does not require a medical review for any amount.


Dependent Child(ren)
Child(ren) Coverage Options $5,000 – $25,000 in $5,000 increments for OTL and AD&D insurance.
Medical Review Requirements Child(ren) life and AD&D insurance does not require a medical review for any amount.


For additional information on OTL coverages, view the plan summary.

No, you will not receive a confirmation of coverage letter from MetLife or Fidelity after you enroll yourself and/or your dependents in OTL insurance under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan. If you are looking to confirm your current coverage elections, you can log onto www.NetBenefits.com/IBM and click on the Health and Insurance tile – you would see your Current Benefit coverages, inclusive of life insurance, if you scroll down the page. For your records, you may also print out a copy of your benefit coverage from NetBenefits. If you prefer, Fidelity can also provide an enrollment verification via the phone – 866-937-0720.

You will not receive recurring communications or statements from MetLife or Fidelity regarding your coverage. However, you may receive other communications such as direct bills from Fidelity if you are no longer on active payroll or are an IBM Retiree Supplemental employee.

Accelerated Benefit Option3– Provides early access to funds in the event of a terminal illness. Available to those eligible for IBM-provided life insurance (GLI), and those enrolled in OTL insurance for yourself and your dependents. This feature is not available under AD&D insurance.

WillsCenter.com4 – Helps you or your spouse/domestic partner prepare a will, living will, Power of Attorney and HIPAA Authorization form on your own, at your own pace, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Total Control Account®5  The Total Control Account (TCA) is a settlement option that provides your loved ones with a safe and convenient way to manage life insurance proceeds. They’ll have the convenience of immediate access to any or all of their proceeds through an interest-bearing account with unlimited check-writing privileges. The Total Control Account also allows beneficiaries time to decide what to do with their proceeds.

Transition Solutions6 – Focuses on guidance and services around insurance and other financial products to help you and your family better prepare for your future in response to benefit changing events.

Portability7 – Gives you an opportunity to continue your OTL coverage(s) directly with MetLife (that is, not under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan) should you leave IBM for any reason. Competitive rates apply but will likely be higher than your current rates. MetLife will bill you directly. To take advantage of this feature, you must have coverage of at least $10,000 up to a maximum of $2,000,000. If you have more than $2,000,000 of coverage you will only be able to continue $2,000,000 under the Portability option. Generally, there is no minimum time for you to be covered by the plan before you can take advantage of the Portability feature. Portability is available on OTL insurance coverage you’ve selected for your spouse/domestic partner and dependent child(ren). Increases, decreases and maximums are subject to state availability. Portability is not available on IBM-provided GLI under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan.

Beneficiary Grief Counseling8 – Provides 5 in-person or telephonic counseling sessions and unlimited access to online self-help resources following your passing.

If you enroll in OTL insurance under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan for yourself, the following services are available to you and your spouse/domestic partner at no additional charge:

Will Preparation Services2 – Offers in-person will preparation for you and your spouse/domestic partner at no additional cost when you use a MetLife Legal Plans attorney. These services include creating a Health Care Proxy and Power of Attorney.

Estate Resolution Services2 – With this service, executors or administrators may receive in-person legal assistance with probating your and your spouse’s/domestic partner’s estates. Beneficiaries can also consultant an attorney for general questions about the probate process.

Additionally, if you enroll in AD&D insurance under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan for yourself and/or your dependents, your beneficiaries and your enrolled dependents’ beneficiaries are entitled to the following, at no additional charge:

Travel Assistance9 – This benefit is available when you enroll in AD&D coverage for yourself and is separate from Business Travel Accident Insurance provided by IBM.

Travel assistance services offers you and your family access to emergency services while you travel, plus the advantage of concierge assistance for personal and work-related travel and entertainment requests. This service provides you and your dependents with medical, legal, transportation and financial assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year when you are more than 100 miles away from home. You also have access to Mobile Assist Service to provide you information to help avoid expensive mobile telephone charges and help effectively use overseas options. Mobile Assist Service also offers a detailed guide that includes essential applications and resources and connects employees to their concierge services. Identity Theft Solutions is also available to help educate you on identity theft prevention and provide assistance in the event you are a victim of identity theft. Please visit the AXA website for more information.

Website: www.metlife.com/travelassist

All users are required to set up their unique profile via the registration process for first time access. Once registration is completed you can access your account by selecting "Log in" which will then prompt you to enter your username and password.


OTL insurance is designed to be an economical way for you to provide for your family by purchasing appropriate levels of insurance coverages at competitive group rates, with a wide range of coverage options to choose from. Review your coverage options and premiums on www.NetBenefits.com/IBM

For most employees, premiums for OTL insurance coverage(s) with MetLife will be conveniently paid through payroll deduction, so you don’t have to worry about writing a check or missing a payment. If you are an IBM Retiree Supplemental employee, the cost of your OTL insurance coverage(s) will be included in your monthly benefits invoice.

Beneficiary Designations

For GLI, OTL and AD&D coverages
You can visit www.NetBenefits.com/IBM to enter or update an GLI/OTL/AD&D beneficiary designation electronically. Your GLI beneficiary designation will also be applicable to your IBM Business Travel & Accident Insurance Plan. If you would like to designate a different beneficiary for the IBM Business Travel & Accident Insurance Plan separate from your GLI beneficiary designation, please submit a hard copy form, see instructions below. Please note: the IBM Business Travel & Accident Insurance Plan is provided by IBM at no cost to you and is not administered by MetLife.

You can visit www.NetBenefits.com/IBM to download a form to submit (by hard copy) a new or updated beneficiary designation.

After you complete that beneficiary designation form, please make a copy for your files and mail the original to the following address:

IBM Benefits Center – Provided by Fidelity
Attn: Beneficiary Processing Team
P.O. Box 770003
Cincinnati, OH 45277-1060

Beneficiary designations are effective as of the date they are received in good order by the IBM Benefits Center (or as of your date of employment, if they are received prior to this date).

Note for those who previously submitted beneficiary designations for IBM-provided GLI to Prudential (prior administrator of the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan) or had beneficiary designations under the Prudential provided Group Universal Life (GUL) program. Beneficiary designations previously submitted to Prudential have been transferred to Fidelity only for your IBM-provided GLI coverage, however, you will not be able to view these beneficiary designations online. In all cases, you must submit a beneficiary designation for OTL and AD&D insurance coverages. If you die prior to submitting a valid beneficiary designation for OTL and AD&D, you will be considered to have died without any beneficiary designation for purposes of the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan.

You may designate the same beneficiary(ies) for IBM-provided GLI, OTL and AD&D insurance under the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan as well as the IBM Business Travel & Accident Insurance Plan, or you may designate different beneficiaries for each coverage.

If no form is on file, the proceeds from these policies will be distributed in the following manner: To your spouse/domestic partner, if living; otherwise, in equal shares/percentages to your surviving children; if none survives, to your surviving parents equally. If no spouse/domestic partner, child or parent is then living, payments are made to the executors or administrators of your estate

Most Common FAQs

Generally, IBM regular full-time and part-time employees working at least 20 hours per week with no scheduled end date of employment are eligible for IBM-provided GLI coverage. IBM-provided GLI coverage typically starts on your date of hire (some exceptions apply).

If you have a question regarding your eligibility for IBM-provided GLI, please contact the https://www.netbenefits.com/IBM.

IBM provides GLI coverage in the event that you pass away while you are an IBM employee. The level of benefits for which you are eligible depends on your date of hire, as follows:

  • For employees hired on or after January 1, 2004,one times your annual eligible pay,rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (if applicable), to a maximum of $1 million.
  • For employees hired before January 1, 2004 but on or after January 1, 1994, two times your annual eligible pay,rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (if applicable), to a maximum of $2 million.
  • For employees hired before January 1, 1994, two times your annual eligible pay, rounded up to the nearest $1,000 (if applicable), or the amount listed on the Service-based schedule as of December 31, 1993, to a maximum of $2 million.

For additional information on the GLI coverage, view the plan summary.

If you are eligible for IBM-provided GLI coverage or enroll in OTL coverages and you are no longer actively at work and:

  • You are receiving benefits under the IBM Short-Term Disability Plan – your insurance coverages will continue for the duration of the periods you are receiving benefits.
  • You are receiving benefits under the IBM Long-Term Disability Plan – your insurance coverages will continue for 24 months from the date MetLife approved your Long-Term Disability claim.
  • You commence a Leave of Absence – your coverage will continue while you remain on Leave of Absence but not longer than for 24 months from the date you first commenced the Leave of Absence.

You will also not be able to increase insurance for yourself or your dependent(s) while you are not actively at work.

If you are not enrolled in the OTL insurance coverages at the commencement of any of the above, you will not be able to enroll for OTL insurance while you are not actively at work.

OTL insurance keeps premium rates constant for five-year age bands which means the premium rate remains fixed while the age of the insured is within the 5-year period.

Current premium rates per each 5 years age band are locked in for the period beginning April 1, 2019 through December 31, 2025.

Your OTL insurance coverages will not decrease based on a decrease to your annual base pay. You can opt to decrease your OTL insurance coverages at any time, which will result in a decrease to your premium.

However, if your weekly hours worked reduce to lower than 20 hours per week and you are not considered to be on a Flexible Work Leave of Absence (FWLOA) you will no longer be eligible for OTL insurance and your coverage will terminate.

Your IBM-provided GLI coverage will decrease proportionally with a decrease in annual eligible pay.

Your OTL insurance coverages for yourself will increase as a result of an increase to your annual base pay. This multiple will be applied to your higher annual base pay, and your OTL insurance coverage will be rounded up to the nearest $1,000. Your premiums will also increase based on your increased OTL insurance coverage. Your IBM-provided GLI coverage will increase proportionally with an increase in annual eligible pay.

While having IBM-provided GLI is a great benefit, chances are it may not be enough to adequately provide for your family and loved ones now and years from now. Additional life insurance can give your family greater financial security. Access the easy-to-use life insurance calculator to determine an amount that is right for you.

Life insurance needs change as your life changes — for example, getting married or entering into a domestic partnership, getting a new job, starting a family, continuing your education, retirement, or purchasing a home. Many people are surprised to learn that they don’t have enough life insurance to cover the many expenses their loved ones may face. We’ve made it very simple to determine the amount of coverage you may need: Access the easy-to-use life insurance calculator to find your answer in minutes.

You may also contact an Ayco MoneySmart coach at 877-543-7678 (TTY 866-217-8694) or you may send a note to MoneySmart@ayco.com. MoneySmart coaches are credentialed financial representatives who can help you with financial decision-making.

Proceeds are paid to your beneficiary through a tax-free benefit. Beneficiaries should notify the IBM Benefits Center – Provided by Fidelity by calling 1-866-937-0720 in the event of a death.

A medical review, also known as Statement of Health (SOH), is a document that includes a series of questions about your overall health. If you applied for OTL insurance, you or your spouse/domestic partner may be required to complete a Statement of Health in order for MetLife to evaluate your life insurance application based on the rules for the IBM Group Life Insurance Plan.

Please note: the amount of insurance that requires a medical review will be the difference between your/your spouse/domestic partner’s current coverage and the amount of coverage requested, subject to the plan rules and medical review requirements. For example:

  • If your annual base pay is $100,000, are currently enrolled in 4 times coverage ($400,000) and elect to increase your coverage to 5 times ($500,000), only the amount in excess of your already approve coverage ($100,000) requires a medical review ($500,000 - $400,000 = $100,000).

Yes, you and/or your spouse/domestic partner can complete a medical review form, also known as Statement of Health form online and receive decisions in real time. Submission online is easy and only takes a few minutes. You can also complete a paper SOH form and submit it to MetLife via U.S. Mail. To obtain a paper SOH form, please reach out to the IBM Benefits Center – Provided by Fidelity at 1-866-937-0720.

MetLife will review the form and generate a response within 10 business days after receiving the information. The response will either notify you of the final determination regarding your requested insurance coverage or request additional information.

Please contact the MetLife Statement of Health Unit at 1-833-LIFE IBM (1-833-543-3426) and select prompt 2 for Statement of Health.