New Hampshire

New Hampshire Paid Family and Medical Leave (NH PFML)

New Hampshire Paid Family and Medical Leave (NH PFML)

The New Hampshire Granite State Paid Family Leave Plan (NH PFML) began on January 1, 2023. The State is providing paid family leave benefits to their state workers and created a paid family and medical leave program to encourage other public and private employers to participate.

NH PFML Details 

Group Insurance/Administration: 

Fully Insured (through state approved carrier only): PML and PFL only (An annual BET Tax credit is available for employers who participate )

None. NH PFML does not offer job protection. However, job protection may be provided through other laws such as the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Group Insurance:

  • Duration: 6 weeks or paid plus a 7-calendar day unpaid elimination period per year
  • 60% wage replacement up to the applicable Social Security taxable wage maximum
  • Flexibility within parameters set by the NH Insurance Department


Group Insurance and Individual Insurance:


  • Child bonding within the first year of birth or placement if adopted or through foster placement
  • Care for a family member with a serious health condition
  • Military exigency or to care for a service member with a serious injury or illness


Workers own serious health condition

What's new with NH PFML?

Check out this short video for more information.


NH PFML Statutory Leave Benefit Guide View
NH PFML Employee FAQs View

NH PFML Website Visit

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