Tools and Resources

When you join MetLife, you get resources and support that make it easier for you to manage your benefits.

See if your provider is in the network


For Bronze, Silver and Gold Plans - Choose PDP Plus -  Metlife's one of the largest PPO network 1

For Platinum Plan - Choose DHMO/Managed Care 2
NOTE: This plan may not be offered by all employers


Members get 24/7 support

  • Easily review your coverage, check claim status, or find a dentist or vision care specialist online and by phone.  
  • You or your dentist can call us to discuss transition of care or request a pre-treatment 4 estimate before you get care. 
  • Download our mobile app for your Apple or Android device to find a dentist, view your ID card, get dental claim updates 5, get estimates for most dental procedures, and track your brushing and flossing activity.
  • Participants receive a reminder email recommending they retake the assessment 12 months later to track their progress over time.
  • For questions about MetLife’s dental or vision plans, including transition of care for dental service, please call 888-309-5526.