
More ways for you to save. More reasons for you to smile.

Protection for a healthier smile and lower costs

Choosing MetLife as your insurer can help you save in ways you’ve never imagined.

It’s more than discounted fees. You’ll see it in the way we manage claims and the dentists selected to be in our network.1 It’s your solution for a healthier smile and lower costs.

Savings and convenience

Our discounts exceed the national industry average by 3.2%2

Over 490,000 participating dentist access points in our network – and participating dentists can’t charge more than the negotiated fee for covered services.3

Our network of carefully selected dentists and our claims process help protect you against inappropriate costs and care.1

Service and support whenever you need it

Dentists usually handle claims for you, so there’s less paperwork for you — it’s also easy to manage your plan 24/7 by phone or online.

Resources to look up the average cost for a service in your area and read up to date articles on oral health.4

Traveling abroad and have a dental emergency? We’re here to help you find a local dentist.5

Once you’re enrolled, you can download our mobile app6 to find a dentist, view your ID card, get claim updates and more.

Not all networks are created equal

Some insurers say theirs is the biggest — but then the discounts aren’t that great or participating dentists bill you for unnecessary services. Read our Shopping Guide below to help you spot the best deal.

Learn more about MetLife's plan today. Call us at 888-309-5526.


(available only in CA, FL, NJ, NY and TX)
NOTE: The Platinum (DHMO) plan may not be offered by all employers.

Bronze Silver Gold
Network Dental HMO/Managed Care PDP Plus
Flexibility with Dentists Must pre-select dentist Any licensed dentist, no referral
Annual Maximum N/A $1,000 $1,500 $2,500
Deductible N/A

Individual: $100
Family: $300

Individual: $100
Family: $300

Individual: $50
Family: $150

(cleanings & exams)

Included 100% In and Out-of-Network* Not subject to deductible; See benefit summary for details and limits 100% In and Out-of-Network; Not subject to deductible; See benefit summary for details and limits 100% In and Out-of-Network* Not subject to deductible; See benefit summary for details and limits

(fillings & standard procedures)


80% In and Out-of-Network* after deductible is met; See benefit summary for details and limits 80% In and Out-of-Network* after deductible is met; See benefit summary for details and limits 80% In and Out-of-Network* after deductible is met; See benefit summary for details and limits

(crowns, implants, etc.)


Not covered 60% In and Out-of-Network* after deductible is met; See benefit summary for details and limits 80% In and Out-of-Network* after deductible is met; See benefit summary for details and limit


You and Children Not covered Children Only     You and Children 

Orthodontia Maximum

N/A Not covered $1,500 $2,000

Preventive, basic and major services
* Orthodontia

Preventive and basic care

Preventive, basic and major services
* Orthodontia
Compared to Gold:
* Lower premium
* Higher deductible
Lower annual maximum

Preventive, basic and major services
* Orthodontia
Compared to Silver:
* Higher premium
* Lower deductible
Higher annual maximum


  • Preventive services are subject to frequency limitations.
  • Out-of-network payment is based on the Reasonable and Customary (R&C) charge, which is based on the lowest of (1) the dentist’s actual charge, (2) the dentist’s usual charge for the same or similar services, or (3) the charge of most dentists in the same geographic area for the same or similar services as determined by MetLife.
  • Platinum plan is available in CA, FL, NJ, NY, and TX only.
  • This plan may not be offered to all employers.

Shopping Guide

  • You get more savings from your dental plan when you go to a participating dentist.
  • Go here to see if your dentist is in our network.

  • Most likely, you are interested in a dental plan because it can help you save. That’s why it’s important to know the average discount.
  • In network dentists have agreed to accept negotiated fees as payment in full for covered services, subject to any deductibles, copayments, cost sharing and benefit maximums. Negotiated fees typically average 30 – 45% below the average charges in the community for the same or similar services as determined by MetLife.

  • Being billed more than you should or charged for services you should never have received can cut into your savings.
  • To help protect you financially and promote better oral health, we look carefully at charges and treatments performed. 

  • The more current dentists are on treatments and safety precautions, the better your care.
  • Dentists get access to materials and courses at no additional cost through

Useful Documents

Continuing Ortho Request Form - NJ (Platinum Plan / DHMO)      Download     
Continuing Ortho Request Form - CA,FL,TX,NY (Platinum Plan / DHMO) Download
Transition of Care to MetLife Dental Download

Find a Dentist Near You

For Bronze, Silver or Gold Plans - Choose PDP Plus – MetLife's largest PPO network

For the Platinum Plan - Choose DHMO/Managed Care
NOTE: This plan may not be offered by all employers.

  • Find a Dentist: DHMO/Managed Care Network
  • Only available in CA, FL, TX, NY & NJ
  • Plan name: MetLife Platinum DHMO. A participating DHMO dentist must be selected prior to receiving services.
  • Be sure to check for providers in your ZIP code and verify they are accepting new patients via MetLife’s FIND A DENTIST tool.
  • Once your search is complete, close the window to return to the site.