Capital Preservation Investment

Stable Value Funds

A steady investment option.

With a stable value fund (SVF), you’ll find an income-producing, low-risk investment option that generally outperforms both money market funds and inflation, all while providing a guarantee of principal and interest.1 Then employees can feel more confident about investing for their futures. 

Why Stable Value?

Stable value is a principal preservation option in a qualified retirement plan that yields bond-like returns with low market volatility. Generally, stable value funds exceed inflation, which positively impacts purchasing power and provides liquidity. Ultimately, it’s a way to keep investment risk down with an option that steadily rises.

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Stable Value Funds

Everything you need to know.

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Evaluating a Stable Value Fund

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Stable value funds provide a reliable way to generate steady returns over time while minimizing volatility.


Stable value funds have played a key role in defined contribution plans for nearly a half century, and plan sponsors now have more options than ever. 



The benefits of Stable Value are clear.

  • Accessible only through qualified retirement plans
  • One of the most reliable capital preservation options available
  • Safeguards against financial losses
  • Backed by the financial strength of a Stable Value industry leader1

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Stable Value FAQs

Since the introduction of the first modern stable value product in the late 1970s, it has been an “income producing, low-risk, liquid investment” option for defined contribution plan sponsors. Stable value funds preserve a participant’s principal investment while providing a competitive level of interest over time.

With market volatility always a concern, plan sponsors can meet the needs of many participants by offering an investment option that combines low volatility, capital preservation and a competitive interest rate. Stable value has returns similar to intermediate term bonds but with lower volatility. Also, it generally outperforms money market funds — and inflation — while offering employees potentially secure and dependable returns in their retirement plans. This empowers employees to build more diverse retirement portfolios and potentially reduce market risk.