Episode 5: Tara Jaye Frank on why Waymaking is an Equity Imperative

Tara Jaye Frank on why Waymaking is an Equity Imperative

1 min read
Jul 19, 2022

What is waymaking and can anyone be a waymaker? Is there a difference between waymaking and sponsorship? What makes employees feel respected and appreciated?

Tara Jaye Frank’s book, The Waymakers: Clearing the Path to Workplace Equity with Competence and Confidence serves as a guide for tackling these tough questions. Tara started her 20-year career at Hallmark and today, she runs a successful culture and leadership consulting firm.

In this episode, I spoke with Tara about:

  • How waymaking can bypass traditional power structures
  • Integrating mission statements into everyday workplace culture
  • Why actively learning and listening is key to waymaking

Learn more about Tara Jaye Frank here