
What’s Love Got to Do with Work? (Part 2)

1 min read
Aug 22, 2024

We are back with Dr. Alisha Moreland-Capuia to talk about love, check-ins and workplace mental health best practices. We wanted to bring her back to highlight why mental health conversations need to happen. One of Dr. Alisha’s favorite quotes is by Dr. Maya Angelou, “I’m human, therefore nothing human can be alien to me.” The key to mental wellness is bringing back the human element of the work that we do. Recognizing that the people you work with are human just like you. Dr. Alisha provides simple step-by-step guides for anyone to take towards mental wellness. If you haven’t listened to it, please check out Part One of “What’s Love Got to Do With Work with Dr.Alisha Moreland-Capuia here.