Care in the US 

Jun 27, 2023

To check if you have access to care in the US, please refer to your ID card or your Schedule of Benefits. If you do have care, read more about how our network works below.

Finding an in-network doctor

To search for a Provider, login to eBenefits and click the “Find Provider” tab. Then click the “Or, Find US Providers” link. This will take you to the US network search where you can search for an in-network provider for the greatest level of coverage and least out of pocket costs to you. You may utilize any medical provider for your care.

For claim submission

Please instruct your provider to call 1-866-217-5631 to obtain benefit information. This number is also located on the back of your ID card. After calling, your provider will be

Person in doctors office

Using an out-of-network doctor 

If you choose to visit an out-of-network doctor, then MetLife’s US team will handle your claim processing.

Instruct your provider to call 1-866-217- 5631 to obtain benefit information. This number is also located on the back of your ID card. After calling, your provider will be instructed on how to submit a claim. The instructions are also located on the back of your ID card.

If the provider does not submit the claim on your behalf, you may need to pay for services out-of-pocket and submit a claim. Claims can be submitted online via eBenefits at

Claims can also be submitted via Claim form along with receipts to: Luminare Health, P.O. Box 25946, Overland Park, KS 66225-5946.

Person in dentist's office

Accessing dental or vision care in the US

You can seek care from any licensed dental and vision care provider that you choose. There are no networks to consider. Claims will be paid based on the usual, customary, and reasonable rate for that service, and reimbursement will be issued based on your plan provisions.

Seek care from your chosen Dental or Vision Provider. Instruct your provider to call 1-866-217-5631 to obtain benefit and billing information. This number is also located on the back of your ID card. If the provider is willing to submit the claims on your behalf, you will only be responsible for any applicable deductible, coinsurance and/or copayment at the time of service. If the provider does not submit the claim on your behalf, you may need to pay for services out-of-pocket and submit a claim form along with receipts to: Luminare Health, P.O. Box 25946, Overland Park, KS 66225-5946.

Claims can also be submitted online via eBenefits at